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Notice 07-31-2024 : Beginning August 1, the cost of your utility bills will increase $1.00 for sewer and $1.00 for the base water rate. As an incentive, the city will be offering a $1.00 per month reduction on your utility bill for all who sign up for “Email Statements”. Please contact the City Administration Office to sign up. 218-652-3866 email: [email protected]


City Administrator / Finance Officer

Dawn Veit

Phone: (218) 652-3866
Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant / Deputy Clerk

Kimberly Wright

Phone: (218) 652-3866
Email: [email protected]


When a citizen has a complaint about anything related to activities and responsibilities of the City, they shall file a formal complaint in writing. The form is provided by the city and can be found on this site at the link below or by visiting the Nevis City Administration Office. The form may be dropped off, sent in by US mail, or emailed to the City Office at [email protected]. The complainant's names are not considered public information and will not be publicly noted.


  1. The City Administrator will forward a complaint form to the proper department/organization or to the City Council for determination of what, if any, action shall be taken.
  2. Telephone complaints will not be accepted.
  3. Anonymous complaints will not be considered valid and action will not be taken.
  4. Once action has been taken, the Council may decline to address the same complaint more than once during a three month period.
  5. Upon the completion of any said action, the complainant will be notified of action taken.

The Nevis Administration Office is responsible for maintaining utility accounts. 

Utility Bill Items
Your utility bill will consist of the following utility services:

  • Water
  • Sewer
  • State Testing Fee

Water, sewer, and state testing fees are billed monthly with water meters read on a monthly basis.  A bills are sent by mail or through email for the prior month's usage.  The bill is due the fifth of the following month.  Any payment made after the 5th of the month shall be subject to a late penalty of 10% of the amount of the bill. 

Payment Locations


All dogs and cats over four months of age in the city must be licensed according to city ordinances.  Dog and cat licenses may be obtained at the Nevis Administration Office Monday through Friday.  You will be required to provide a "Certificate of Vaccination" indicating that your dog and/or cat has been inoculated against rabies and distemper.  License fees are $5.00 per pet.  Upon payment of the license fee, the pet owner will receive a numbered metal tag.  All licensed dogs and cats must wear a collar on which to attach their license tag.  If your dog and/or cat strays and is found by others, this numbered tag may help get your pet back to you. All dog and cat licenses expire on December 31th of each year.  City ordinances limit the number of dogs per household to two.

If you have any questions, please contact the Nevis Administration Office at (218) 652-3866.

Ord #54 Animals

The City of Nevis owns and maintains the Lakeview and Resthaven Cemeteries.  The Nevis Administration Office maintains all records for the cemeteries.  The fee for a cemetery lot is $400.00 for Nevis City residents and $600.00 for non-residents.  There is also an additional $200 fee charged for April-September interments ($50.00/sexton fee and $150.00/grave marking & maintenance, etc.) and a $350.00 fee charged for October-March interments ($50.00/sexton fee and $350.00/grave marking). 

For more information, please contact the Nevis City Administration Office at (218) 652-3866.


Lots are no longer being sold in the Lakeview Cemetery, located along Co. Hwy. 18.

Resthaven Cemetery is located at the west end of Main Street and West Ave. 

To sell or purchase a burial plot, please contact the Nevis Administration Office at (218) 652-3866

ORD 51 Cemetery Repealing No.33

Fire Department

The Nevis Volunteer Fire Department has open meetings the first Monday of every month at 6:00 PM

 *The Nevis Fire Department is not staffed full time; they are a volunteer department.  In case of emergency, please call 911.

Nevis Fire Hall

204 Main Street East
PO Box 108
Nevis, MN 56467

Phone: (218) 652-2323
Email: [email protected]

Emergency Phone: 911

Fire Chief

Brent Nicklason

Police Department

The City of Nevis contracts with Hubbard County for law enforcement coverage.

Nevis Police

Non-Emergency Phone: (218) 732-3331
Emergency Phone: 911


Josh Oswald

Public Works Department


Nevis Fire Hall Building
204 Main Street East
Nevis, MN 56467

Public Works Operator Supervisor

Don Umthun

Phone: (218) 652-3867

Part Time / Public Works Operator

Trevor Lang

Phone: (218) 652-3867

Municipal Liquor Store


100 Main Street West
Nevis, MN 56467

Phone: (218) 652-9910

Facebook: Nevis Municipal Liquor

Hours of Operation:

Monday through Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 a.m.
Sunday: 12 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Monday through Saturday 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM