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Notice 07-31-2024 : Beginning August 1, the cost of your utility bills will increase $1.00 for sewer and $1.00 for the base water rate. As an incentive, the city will be offering a $1.00 per month reduction on your utility bill for all who sign up for “Email Statements”. Please contact the City Administration Office to sign up. 218-652-3866 email: [email protected]

The Nevis Volunteer Fire Department has open meetings the first Monday of every month at 6:00 PM

 *The Nevis Fire Department is not staffed full time; they are a volunteer department.  In case of emergency, please call 911.

Nevis Fire Hall

204 Main Street East
PO Box 108
Nevis, MN 56467

Phone: (218) 652-2323
Email: [email protected]

Emergency Phone: 911

Fire Chief

Brent Nicklason